(Johnston) Douglas Haldane MBE, FRCPsych (born 13 March 1926 in Annan, died 19 July 2012 in St.
Andrews) was a pioneering Scottish child psychiatrist, who established Great Britain's first department of Child and Family Psychiatry in 1960 in Cupar in Fife.
He opened the first family in-patient treatment unit in Scotland and introduced a range of innovative therapeutic art interventions.
He sat on numerous policy working parties and led a variety of professional committees.
He became a founding member of the Association for Family Therapy.
He was a co-founder of the Scottish Institute of Human Relations.
During his time as an academic, he devoted much time to influence the development of a government policy on Marriage.
In the 1960s, he was also an elder of the Church of Scotland and a member of an early Iona Community group.