Ueli Schibler, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ueli Schibler

Swiss biologist, chronobiologist

Date of Birth: 16-Jun-1947

Place of Birth: Olten, Canton of Solothurn, Switzerland

Profession: biologist, university teacher

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Ueli Schibler

  • Ueli Schibler (born June 16, 1947) is a Swiss biologist, chronobiologist and a professor at the University of Geneva.
  • His research has contributed significantly to the field of chronobiology and the understanding of circadian clocks in the body.
  • Several of his studies have demonstrated strong evidence for the existence of robust, self-sustaining circadian clocks in the peripheral tissues.Schibler has studied the molecular biology of gene expressions and chronobiology since his serendipitous discovery of a protein expressed in a strong circadian fashion.
  • He is also a current editor for several academic journals, such as PLoS Biology, EMBOReports and Journal of Biological Rhythms.

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