Akira Tago, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Akira Tago

Japanese psychologist

Date of Birth: 25-Feb-1926

Place of Birth: Sumatra, Indonesia

Date of Death: 06-Mar-2016

Profession: psychologist, translator

Nationality: Japan

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Akira Tago

  • Akira Tago (Japanese: ?? ?, February 25, 1926 – March 6, 2016) was a Japanese psychologist.
  • He was an honorary emeritus of Tokyo Future University and a professor emeritus of Chiba University.
  • He was also the chief of Akira Tago Laboratory. He compiled a best-selling quiz book series Atama no Taiso (????, literally Head Gymnastics), from 1966 to his death.
  • There are 23 sequel parts published.
  • He was also known for designing the puzzles of video games, including the Professor Layton series, in which he is cited as a "Puzzle Master" in the credits.
  • In the titular Professor Layton's office, the player can also find a book which the professor is reading written by a puzzle master from abroad--as the games take place in the UK, this is likely referring to Tago.
  • He died at the age of 90 in March 2016.

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