Alfred Louis Delattre, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Alfred Louis Delattre

French archaeologist

Date of Birth: 26-Jun-1850

Place of Birth: Déville-lès-Rouen, Normandy, France

Date of Death: 12-Jan-1932

Profession: art historian, archaeologist, anthropologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Alfred Louis Delattre

  • Alfred Louis Delattre (26 June 1850 – 12 January 1932) was a French archaeologist, born at Déville-lès-Rouen. Sent as a missionary to Algeria, he became chaplain of the church of St.
  • Louis of Carthage and conservator of the archaeological museum at Algiers.
  • His investigations among the ruins of ancient Carthage were very valuable.
  • He became director of the Musée Lavigerie de Saint-Louis de Carthage, founded through his efforts in 1875.
  • His works include: Carthage et la Tunisie au point de vue archéologique (1883) Inscriptions de Carthage (1884–85) Souvenirs de la croisade de Saint Louis trouvés à Carthage (1888) Les tombeaux puniques de Carthage (1890) Souvenirs de l'ancienne église d'Afrque (1893) Musée Lavigerie de Saint-Louis de Carthage (three volumes, 1899-1900)

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