Rubel (born Robert Jack Rubel II, October 5, 1944) also known as "Dr.
Bob", is an American author and educational speaker.
He specializes in the area of alternative sexuality, focussing on the fields of BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Sado-masochism) and TPE relationships (Total Power Exchange, such as Master/slave or owner/property) and is an author of many books on the subject.
Since 2007, Rubel has presented, including making keynote speeches, at alternative sexuality conferences and weekend workshops in US, Canada and Australia.
Rubel writes a blog and makes webinars in his field of interest.Since 2014, Rubel, with his partner, has written and self published (Red Eight Ball press) six books related to BDSM or TPE topics.
Nazca Plains publishing house was the publisher of Rubel's prior books.