Garg is currently a professor of chemistry and holds the Kenneth N.
Trueblood Endowed Chair at the University of California - Los Angeles.
Garg's research is focused on the chemical synthesis of organic compounds, with an emphasis on the development of new strategies for the preparation of complex molecules possessing unique structural, biological, and physical properties.
His group has made breakthroughs in catalysis and in the understanding and utilization of strained intermediates, such as arynes, cyclic alkynes, and cyclic allenes.
His laboratory has completed the total syntheses of many natural products, including welwitindolinones, akuammilines, and tubingensin alkaloids.
He has inspired a series of student-created music videos to encourage students to learn organic chemistry.
He has led other innovative projects, such as the Organic Coloring Book, the Backside Attack smartphone app, QR Chem, and Biology And Chemistry Online Notes (BACON).