Alexander Milton Stedman Betts (born 17 January 1980) is the Leopold Muller Professor of Forced Migration and International Affairs and William Golding senior fellow at Brasenose College at the University of Oxford.
He was formerly director of the Refugee Studies Centre.
and a senior research fellow at Green-Templeton College.He is a British academic, whose research focuses mainly on the politics and economics of refugee assistance.
He has also written on migration and humanitarianism.
His notable books include Protection by Persuasion: International Cooperation in the Refugee Regime (Cornell University Press, 2009), Global Migration Governance (Oxford University Press, 2011), Survival Migration: Failed Governance and the Crisis of Displacement (Cornell University Press, 2013), Mobilising the Diaspora: How Refugees Challenge Authoritarianism (Cambridge University Press, 2016), and Refugee Economies: Forced Displacement and Development (Oxford University Press, 2016)His ideas have had a notable impact on refugee policy.
He is perhaps best known for his research reframing refugees as economic contributors.
Together with his colleague, Sir Paul Collier, he has argued for a new approach to refugee assistance based on development rather than just humanitarianism.
They developed an idea to employ Syrian refugees in already existing Special Economic Zones in Jordan, first published in a piece in Foreign Affairs.
The proposal adopted as a pilot project by Jordan, the UK, the EU, and the World Bank, which became known as known as the 'Jordan Compact’.
The pilot was described by News Deeply as “one of the most important economic experiments in the world today”.In 2016, he was named in Foreign Policy magazine's top 100 global thinkers, and as a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader He was a prolific public commentator during the European migrant crisis.
His writing has been published in The Guardian, The New York Times, and Foreign Affairs.
He has appeared on CNN, the BBC, and Al Jazeera.He has given TED talks on refugees and Brexit with combined views in excess of 2.5 million.
His TED talk on refugees was named by the curator of TED Chris Anderson as one of the top 10 TED talks of 2016.He is former European debating champion and has run the London Marathon in 2:42.05.