Sarah Wool Moore, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Sarah Wool Moore

American artist

Date of Birth: 03-May-1846

Place of Birth: Plattsburgh, New York, United States

Date of Death: 19-May-1911

Profession: teacher, artist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Sarah Wool Moore

  • Sarah Wool Moore (1846–1911) was an artist and art teacher, as well as a language instructor, who was the first director of the Art Department at the University of Nebraska and founded the Nebraska Art Association.
  • After leaving Nebraska, she taught in New York City.
  • Disturbed by the intolerance shown to Italian immigrants, Moore worked as secretary of the New York Society for Italian Immigrants.
  • In that capacity, she founded and taught at several language schools in New York and Pennsylvania to facilitate Italian immigrants learning of English.
  • She also wrote English-Italian handbooks to help immigrants quickly learn the language they would use on a daily basis.

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