Jean Baptiste Marius Augustin Challamel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Jean Baptiste Marius Augustin Challamel

French historian

Date of Birth: 18-Mar-1818

Place of Birth: Paris, ÃŽle-de-France, France

Date of Death: 20-Oct-1894

Profession: lawyer, librarian, historian

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Jean Baptiste Marius Augustin Challamel

  • Jean Baptiste Marius Augustin Challamel (March 18, 1818 – October 20, 1894) was a French historian. Challamel was born in Paris.
  • His writings consist chiefly of popular works, which enjoyed great success.
  • The value of some of his books is enhanced by numerous illustrations, e.g.
  • Histoire-musée de la Révolution française, which appeared in 50 numbers in 1841–1842 (3rd ed., in 72 numbers, 1857–1858); Histoire de la mode en France; la toilette des femmes depuis l'époque gallo-romaine jusqu'à nos jours (1874, with 12 plates; new ed., 1880, with 21 colored plates).
  • His "Mémoires du peuple français (1865–1873) and La France et les Français à travers les siècles (1882) at least have the merit of being among the first books written on the social history of France.
  • In this sense Challamel was a pioneer, of no great originality, it is true, but at any rate of fairly wide information.
  • He died on October 20, 1894.

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