Blessed Tiburcio Arnaiz Muñoz (11 August 1865 - 18 July 1926) was a Spanish Roman Catholic priest and a professed member of the Jesuits.
He was also the co-founder of the Missionaries of the Rural Parishes (1922) and decided to establish it to further his own pastoral goals of aiding the poor with a particular emphasis on workers and people living in those rural areas across the nation.
His ecclesial career was spent in two parishes for just over a decade, before he entered the Jesuit novitiate.
He became known for his tender care of all people.His canonization cause opened under Pope John Paul II on 5 December 1989 and he became titled as a Servant of God while Pope Francis named him as Venerable after confirming his heroic virtue on 10 October 2016.
Francis confirmed a miracle attributed to him on 18 December 2017 and cleared him for beatification.
The beatification was celebrated on 20 October 2018.