Pasqual Calbó Caldés (Mahón, 24 October 1752 - id., 12 April 1817) was an 18th-century enlightened painter who found in Menorca the ideal place to foster his intelligence, sensitivity and creativity, since the island had a great cultural richness open to European influences after the British invasion.
Calbó wrote fluently in several languages such as Catalan, Italian and French, and got by in German, English and Spanish.
Moreover, he quickly learnt to sail, what allowed him to work in Vienna, study in Rome and travel to exotic places such as the Caribbean.
After travelling around the world, he came back to Menorca, where he settled down, when he was 28 years old.
His love for Menorca made him renounce his economic ambitions.
His life circumstances obliged him to change his career as a painter and start working as a teacher of geometry, architecture and physics.