David Martin Brugge (1927 – 2013) was a cultural anthropologist, ethnohistorian, linguist, archaeologist and noted for his knowledge about the Navajo.
Brugge publish many papers and is often cited in works about the Navajo, Athapaskan or early Southwestern history.
Brugge conducted anthropological and ethnohistorical research for the Navajo Nation.
He spent 20 years with the [National Park Service], as Curator of the Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site in Ganado, Arizona, archaeologist at the Chaco Center in Albuquerque, and Regional Curator for the Southwest Regional Office of the National Park Service at Santa Fe.
After retirement, he co-founded the [Navajo Studies Conference] with Charlotte Frisbie in 1986.
He remained active in research and helping others until his death.