Bernard Delvaille, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Bernard Delvaille

French poet and diarist

Date of Birth: 01-Jan-0001

Place of Birth: Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Date of Death: 18-Apr-2006

Profession: poet, literary critic, diarist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Bernard Delvaille

  • Bernard Delvaille (1 December 1931 – 18 April 2006) was a French poet, essayist, translator and anthologist. A graduate from the Institut d’Études Politiques, he entered the publishing business in the early 1950s as a reader for Éditions DenoĂ«l, before collaborating with Éditions Seghers in 1956, where he did various editorial work.
  • From 1962 on, he worked with Pierre Seghers on the collection "Poètes d'aujourd'hui" until Robert Laffont bought the editions in 1969.
  • He then managed the collection until 1989. His involvement in publishing was reinforced by his participation in the Centre national des Lettres from 1975 to 1983 in the commissions "PoĂ©sie" and "Revue".
  • His literary knowledge led him to become a literary critic and give lectures for the Alliances Françaises and in several universities like Brussels, Lisbon, Rome or Toronto.
  • In addition to these oratorical exercises, he was the author of numerous articles in magazines such as Combat, Les Nouvelles LittĂ©raires, Les Lettres Françaises, Le Figaro LittĂ©raire, Le Magazine LittĂ©raire and La Revue des Deux Mondes.
  • Finally, he was one of the juries of the Prix Guillaume Apollinaire and the Prix Max Jacob, was a member of the AcadĂ©mie MallarmĂ© and held the post of President of the "Association internationale des Amis de Valery Larbaud".
  • He won the Prix Valery Larbaud in 1985 for his entire body of work. His first book was devoted to Valery Larbaud and awarded the prix Sainte-Beuve in 1963.
  • This work was followed by other studies on Johannes Brahms, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, ThĂ©ophile Gautier, Paul Morand and Mathieu BĂ©nĂ©zet, where one could notice an attraction for the romanticism and modernity of the early twentieth century.
  • In addition to these monographs, his work was distinguished as that of an anthologist, since he was the author of three works that have become classics and hailed as such by critics: La PoĂ©sie symboliste (Bernard Delvaille will be rewarded with the Prix Henri-Mondor in 1983 for his work on symbolism and MallarmĂ©), La Nouvelle poĂ©sie française, which drew up an inventory of poetic hopes in the mid-1970s and Mille et cent ans de poĂ©sie française, a sum of more than a thousand pages listing the great poets from the eleventh to the mid-twentieth. Delvaille was the author of a poetic work published in 2006 in which he developed the themes of journey, wandering, happiness and death.

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