Jessie Murray, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Jessie Murray

British psychoanalyst and suffragette

Date of Birth: 09-Feb-1867

Place of Birth: Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, India

Date of Death: 25-Sep-1920

Profession: physician, suffragette

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Jessie Murray

  • Dr Jessie Margaret Murray (9 February 1867 – 25 September 1920) was a British psychoanalyst and suffragette.
  • Born in India, she moved to the UK when she was 13.
  • She undertook studies in medicine with the College of Preceptors and Worshipful Society of Apothecaries and at the University of Durham and University College London; she also attended the lectures of the French psychologist Pierre Janet at the Collège de France, Paris. Murray was a member of the Women's Freedom League and Women's Tax Resistance League, two organisations that took direct action in their campaign for women's suffrage.
  • In 1910 she and the journalist Henry Brailsford took statements from the suffragettes who had been mistreated during the Black Friday demonstrations in November that year.
  • Their published memorandum was presented to the Home Office, along with a formal request for a public inquiry; the Home Secretary, Winston Churchill, refused to set one up. Murray and her close friend Julia Turner opened the Medico-Psychological Clinic, a pioneering entity that provided psychological evaluation and treatment, affordable for middle-class families.
  • Several of the staff who worked and trained at the clinic became leading psychoanalysts.
  • Murray was awarded an MD by the University of Durham in 1919.
  • Shortly afterwards she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer; she died in September 1920, aged 53.

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