Dudley Randall, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Dudley Randall

American poet

Date of Birth: 14-Jan-1914

Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, United States

Date of Death: 05-Aug-2000

Profession: poet, librarian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Dudley Randall

  • Dudley Randall (January 14, 1914 – August 5, 2000) was an African-American poet and poetry publisher from Detroit, Michigan.
  • He founded a pioneering publishing company called Broadside Press in 1965, which published many leading African-American writers, among them Melvin Tolson, Sonia Sanchez, Audre Lorde, Gwendolyn Brooks, Etheridge Knight, Margaret Walker, and others.Randall's most famous poem is "The Ballad of Birmingham," written in response to the 1963 bombing of the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, in which four girls were killed.
  • Randall's poetry is characterized by simplicity, realism, and what one critic has called the "liberation aesthetic." Other well-known poems of his include "A Poet is not a Jukebox", "Booker T.
  • and W.E.B.", and "The Profile on the Pillow".

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