Carlos Coste, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Carlos Coste

Freediving World Champion

Date of Birth: 02-Feb-1976

Place of Birth: Caracas, Capital District, Venezuela

Profession: freediver

Nationality: Venezuela

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Carlos Coste

  • Carlos Coste (born in Caracas, Venezuela, on February 2, 1976) is a world class free-diver and record-holder.
  • He started his training in Apnea and Free-diving in 1996, and got his first national record in 1998.
  • In October 2003, he became the first human to achieve a Free Immersion of more than 100 meters (-101m, Venezuela 2003), certified by AIDA World Record and Guinness World Records, He also was the first freediver to pass 100 meters in Constant Weight (-102, Cyprus 2004).
  • Coste became First AIDA Depth Individual World Champion, He won the World Championship making a new World Record in Constant Weight -105m, celebrated in Nice, 2005.
  • He broke the AIDA (International Association for the Development of Apnea) world record for Variable Weight Free-diving, with a 140-meter immersion in the Red Sea, Egypt, on May 9, 2006.
  • This record was superseded by Herbert Nitsch, on 7 December 2009 at Dean's Blue Hole in the Bahamas.
  • In 2010, after a long relationship, he married his manager Gabriela Contreras. Additionally, Coste has broken several free-diving world records, including Constant Weight (-90 meter, October 2002; -102 meter, June 2004; -105 meter, 2005; now held by Alexey Molchanov with -125 meter), Variable Weight (-135 meter, October 2004), and Free Immersion (-93 meter, October 2002; -101 meter, October 2003; now held by William Trubridge with -121 meter).
  • He is the current AIDA Individual World Champion Constant Weight (September 2005). His achievements have been recognized with Venezuela National Sports Institute (June 2005) and with the Orden José Félix Rivas granted by the Venezuelan president (February 2005).
  • He studied Mechanical Engineering in the Central University of Venezuela.
  • In 2017 received the honorary membership distinction of ONSA Venezuela and became part of its Underwater Activities Committee. He suffered an injury on September 12, 2006 resurfacing from -182m, during a training in attempt break the world record in No Limits 1 meter less from the current WR -183m (held by Herbert Nitsch).

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