Riccardo Polosa is an Italian academic, who in 2018 described his roles as "Full Professor of Internal Medicine and specialist of Respiratory Diseases and Clinical Immunology at the University of Catania as well as the Founder and Clinical Director of the Center for Tobacco Research and Scientific Director of the Center of Excellence for the acceleration of HArm Reduction (CoEHAR) at the same University."His research interests centre on cures to smoking-related diseases and alternative tools for smoking cessation.
His work contributed to a 2015 paper finding that "e-cigarettes were 95% less harmful than tobacco cigarettes".
This finding has been criticized by The Lancet.
Polosa has been a consultant for the e-cigarette distributor Arbi Group Srl.
According to a paper published in BMC Public Health, he is, as of 2014, the most prolific author in the field of electronic cigarettes.
He is also the author of the first prospective randomized study with a control group that evaluated the efficacy and safety of electronic cigarettes on a sample of 300 smokers unwilling to quit.