Kourosh Zaim (Persian: ???? ?????; born May 17, 1939) is an Iranian author, inventor, engineer, translator, and nonviolent political activist.
He was born in Kashan, Iran, on May 17, 1939.
A vocal advocate of secular democracy and human rights since youth, Kourosh rose to prominence as a political analyst and Secretary to the Leadership Committee of Iran’s National Front party, or Jebhe Melli, Iran's largest pro-democracy political organization.
Membership in Jebhe Melli has been illegal since 1981.As of 2017, Kourosh is incarcerated in Iran as a political prisoner.
He was last arrested on July 16, 2016 for charges of "undermining the Islamic Republic" and "promoting anti-regime activity", and is currently serving a four-year prison term in Evin Prison, the sixth time he has been imprisoned for his views since Iran's Islamic Revolution.
Much of his time as a political prisoner has been spent in solitary confinement.
He has been represented in the past by human rights attorneys Nasrin Sotoudeh and Nobel Laureate Shirin Ebadi.
He is currently being represented by Giti Pourfazel, a well-known human rights lawyer currently planning her immanent retirement due to "years of state harassment and threats."