Charles Ramble, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Charles Ramble


Date of Birth: 06-Feb-1957

Place of Birth: Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Profession: anthropologist

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Charles Ramble

  • Charles Albert Edward Ramble (born 1957) is an anthropologist and former University Lecturer in Tibetan and Himalayan Studies at the Oriental Institute, Oxford University.
  • Since 2009 he has been Professor and Directeur d'Ă©tudes (Histoire et philologie tibĂ©taines) at the Ecole pratique des hautes Ă©tudes (EPHE, Sorbonne), Paris.
  • Between 2006 and 2013 he was elected president of the International Association for Tibetan Studies (IATS) and convened the 10th seminar of IATS at Oxford in 2003. Dr.
  • Ramble spent over 15 years in Nepal and Tibet, and has published several books and articles related to his main research interests: pilgrimage, the Bön religion, Himalayan civil religion and social history, and historical ethnography and social history of Nepal’s Mustang district.
  • He is married to the French anthropologist Dr Anne de Sales (CNRS Nanterre), who also specializes on Nepal; together they have two adult daughters.

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