Christiane Duchesne, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Christiane Duchesne

French-Canadian writer known best for children's books

Date of Birth: 12-Aug-1949

Place of Birth: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Profession: translator, children's writer, novelist

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Christiane Duchesne

  • Christiane Duchesne (born August 12, 1949) is a Quebec researcher, educator, illustrator, translator and writer.She was born in Montreal and was educated at the Collège JĂ©sus-Marie d'Outremont, at the Collège Jean-de-BrĂ©beuf and at the UniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al where she studied industrial design.
  • From 1990 to 1993, she was a researcher for several audio-visual production companies.
  • She also was editor in chief for the magazine DĂ©cormag, an associate editor for the Courte Échelle publishing company and director of the Kid Quid collection of the QuĂ©bec AmĂ©rique publishing house.
  • Duchesne has served on the board of directors for the Salon du livre de MontrĂ©al.She wrote a number of scripts for Radio Canada, including an adaptation of Alice au pays des merveilles which received the Slovak Prix Court MĂ©trage in 1998.
  • In 1996, Duchesne was one of the finalists for the International Board on Books for Young People's Hans Christian Andersen Award for her body of work.

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