Claude Cossette, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Claude Cossette

canadian academic

Date of Birth: 01-Dec-1937

Place of Birth: Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

Profession: writer, university teacher

Nationality: Canada

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Claude Cossette

  • Claude Cossette is an advertising man and a scholar born in Quebec City, Quebec in 1937.
  • He founded Cossette Communication Group in 1964, which he restructured in 1972 making his five top executives his equal partners.
  • He headed the business as President until he resigned in 1982.
  • At the time, the agency was the biggest communication organization in the Province of Quebec with offices in Quebec City, Montreal and Toronto.
  • Cossette studied humanities at the Petit SĂ©minaire de QuĂ©bec, graduated in Advertising Art from L'Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1962, got an MA in Education from Laval University in 1963, and from the same, a Certificate in Marketing in 1962 and a Certificate in Business Administration in 1970, from which he got the tenure of Full professor in 1983.
  • In 1964, he had graduated from L'École du Livre Estienne, Paris. He is the author of many books, most about persuasive communication, criticizing advertising severely in La PublicitĂ©, dĂ©chet culturel 2001, Un loup parmi les loups (a novel), 2005 and Éthique & PublicitĂ©, 2009.
  • He also published numerous research papers and general-public articles. Cossette was the chairperson of the Programme de Communication Graphique at Laval University in 1975-78 and once more in 1990-97.
  • In 1996, he launched ComViz-Communication visuelle, an online course, probably the first French language university level course that may be completed entirely through the Internet.
  • He was the Pedagogical Director of a series of 26 TV programs on Advertising in Quebec.
  • He lectured on advertising and communication at many international conferences, universities and colleges. He is or was member of L'Association des dirigeants d'agences de publicitĂ© du QuĂ©bec, La SociĂ©tĂ© des graphistes du QuĂ©bec, The International Association for Semiotic Studies, The International Communication Association, The Canadian Association of Applied Social Research, La ConfrĂ©rie des Compagnons de Gutenberg (Europe) and many others. Cossette was granted the highest honors both from Quebec and Canada.
  • He was recipient of Le Prix des Communications du QuĂ©bec in 1984 and The Gold Medal Award from The Association of Canadian Advertisers (ACA) in 1988. He is still teaching social marketing and advertising at UniversitĂ© Laval in Quebec City, Canada.

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