King (born 18 August 1956) is professor emerita, retired from the Department of Anthropology at the College of William & Mary where she taught from 1988 to 2015.Since 2011, King has written weekly for the National Public Radio blog Cosmos and Culture, which explores humans' relationships to each other, their environment, and the planet.
Specifically, King focused often on the "inner lives" of intelligent animals like primates, the octopus, squid, pigs, and dolphins, arguing that humanity should consider how best to communicate and accommodate these species' lives without anthropomorphization or exploitation.
King also utilized the blog format to relate personal stories for a general audience, such as her treatment for uterine cancer (2013) and her retirement from active teaching (2015).King has been a full-time science writer since 2015, publishing stories in Scientific American, book reviews in the Washington Post, and essays in The Atlantic.