Denis Carey (actor), Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Denis Carey (actor)

British actor

Date of Birth: 03-Aug-1909

Place of Birth: London

Date of Death: 28-Sep-1986

Profession: actor, television actor

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Denis Carey (actor)

  • Denis Carey (3 August 1909 – 28 September 1986) was a British actor who appeared in many film and television roles. Some of Carey's notable appearances include Dennis Potter's 1968 television series A Beast With Two Backs, Elizabeth R, I, Claudius and The Barchester Chronicles.
  • Carey appeared three times in the BBC science fiction series Doctor Who, including Professor Chronotis in the incomplete serial Shada, as the eponymous Keeper in The Keeper of Traken and as the old man fake Borad in Timelash. Carey was born in London, the son of May (née Wilkinson) and William Denis Carey.
  • He was married to actress Yvonne Coulette.
  • He died in London.

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