Blessed Domenico Lentini (20 November 1770 – 25 February 1828) was an Italian Roman Catholic priest.
Lentini was ordained as a priest in 1794 and served as a life-long parish priest in his hometown of Potenza where he dedicated himself to promoting Eucharistic devotion and to working alongside the poor of his area.
But he also fostered a deep dedication to education and evangelization and often taught parishioners catechism and literature while also making himself available to hear the confessions of penitents.The beatification process for Lentini opened in 1905 and he became titled as Venerable in 1935.
Pope John Paul II beatified Lentini on 12 October 1997 as an affirmation of his personal holiness and the manner in which Lentini conducted his duties as a noted pastor.
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