Hendrik Quarles van Ufford, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hendrik Quarles van Ufford

Dutch soldier, writer, and planter

Date of Birth: 04-Jul-1822

Place of Birth: Loosduinen, County of Holland, Netherlands

Date of Death: 15-Jan-1860

Profession: writer, military personnel

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Hendrik Quarles van Ufford

  • Jonkheer Hendrik Quarles van Ufford (Loosduinen, 4 July 1822 - Ketandan, 15 January 1860), father of P.
  • van Heerdt tot Eversberg-Quarles van Ufford, was a Dutch soldier, writer, and planter. In 1842, he became a midshipman in the Dutch Royal Navy.After rising to the rank of Lieutenant first class, he became an adjutant to the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies AJ Duymaer van Twist.
  • He accompanied him on his official journey through the Moluccas and anonymously produced the book Aanteekeningen betreffende eene reis door de Molukken (Item drawings concerning a journey through the Moluccas of the Governor-General AJ Duymaer van Twist,) published in The Hague in 1856.In 1858 he was, at his request, honorably dismissed from the country's naval service.
  • He settled at Ketandan, a village of what is now Indonesia, as an indigo planter.On 2 December 1860, he married Anna Madeleine Scheltema, known as "Netje," (b.
  • 3 Juni 1843).
  • Because of the distance between his plantation and her home in Semarang, much of their courtship was conducted by letter.
  • Their frank and warm correspondence shows them both strongly looking forward to their marriage.
  • Hendrik's older brother Willem objected to the marriage.
  • The Quarles van Ufford family is Dutch nobility, and Willem wanted Hendrik to find and marry a woman of similar rank.
  • Netje, who had been born in Semarang, was an orphan from a non-noble Dutch family.
  • Hendrik defended his choice, and married Netje.
  • Together they had four children, the oldest of whom P.
  • van Heerdt tot Eversberg-Quarles van Ufford became a well-known Dutch feminist and artist.Hendrik died at Ketandan on 15 January 1860.

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