Edmond Modeste Lescarbault (1814, Châteaudun - 1894), was a French doctor and an amateur astronomer, best remembered for his 1859 supposed observation of the non-existent planet Vulcan.
He graduated and obtained his diploma in 1848.
He then started to work as a doctor in Orgères-en-Beauce and worked there until 1872 (the street where he worked is now named after him).
A keen astronomer, he built an observatory with a 3.75 inches (95 mm) refractor by his house and began correspondence with various scientific societies.
On 26 March 1859 he saw a small object transiting the Sun and having heard of Le Verrier's theory of an intramercurial planet named Vulcan, he wrote a letter to the astronomer and was consequently visited by him in December 1859.
Le Verrier announced the discovery on 2 January 1860.