Leon Isaac Kennedy, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Leon Isaac Kennedy


Date of Birth: 01-Jan-1949

Place of Birth: Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Profession: actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Leon Isaac Kennedy

  • Leon Isaac Kennedy (born June 1, 1948 or January 1, 1949) (sources differ) is an American actor, disk jockey, film producer and playwright.
  • Kennedy is perhaps best known as Martel "Too Sweet" Gordone in Jamaa Fanaka's Penitentiary (1979), Penitentiary II (1982) and Penitentiary III (1987).
  • Kennedy also is best known for his role as Leon "The Lover" Johnson in the 1981 film Body and Soul alongside his then-wife Jayne Kennedy.

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