Félix Guignot, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Félix Guignot

French entomologist

Date of Birth: 16-Nov-1882

Place of Birth: Avignon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Date of Death: 22-Jun-1959

Profession: entomologist, obstetrician

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Félix Guignot

  • Félix Guignot was French a physician and entomologist, born 16 November 1882 in Avignon, France.After studying medicine at the University of Montpellier he established a private practice in his hometown of Avignon.
  • He practiced family medicine and Obstetrics.
  • The region around Avignon provided many excellent opportunities to collect water beetles, including large rivers and the Camargue wetlands.
  • His first entomological article, the description of Siettitia avenionensis, was published in 1925 in the Bulletin of the Entomological Society of France.
  • Guignot found the specimen for this description in a basin of water pumped from a farm well, which he had requested while delivering a baby at the farm.Through his publications of 188 articles Guignot became a recognized expert on hydradephagan water beetles.
  • His classic work, The Hydrocanthares of France, won the 1932 Dollfus prize of the Entomological Society of France.
  • His contributions to science include the description of 514 new species, as well as his entomological collection, which is now housed in the French National Museum of Natural History.Guignot was a founding member of the Société d’étude des Sciences naturelles de Vaucluse.
  • He served as president of this society for nearly 31 years between 1929 and 1950.

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