Ginette Mathiot, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ginette Mathiot

French food writer and home economist

Date of Birth: 23-May-1907

Place of Birth: 14th arrondissement of Paris, ĂŽle-de-France, France

Date of Death: 14-Jun-1998

Profession: school teacher, chef

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Ginette Mathiot

  • Ginette Mathiot, Officier de la LĂ©gion d'Honneur, (23 May 1907 – 14 June 1998) was a French food writer and home economist. Mathiot wrote over 30 books including the famous Je sais cuisiner which sold over 6 million copies; she also wrote the famous *Je sais faire la pâtisserie (The Art of French Baking), which has been updated and published by Phaidon in 2011.
  • She never married and used traditional cooking methods to design cookbooks which the young wife caring for a young family could read and understand with ease.
  • She is well known in France and her recipes are still used today by some of the most celebrated chefs, and millions of copies of her recipe books have been sold. She pursued a long career in education, first as a home economics teacher, and later as the Inspectrice gĂ©nĂ©rale de l'enseignement mĂ©nager de la Ville de Paris then finally as the Inspector General overseeing the teaching of Home Economics in France.

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