Gisèle Prassinos, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gisèle Prassinos

French artist

Date of Birth: 26-Feb-1920

Place of Birth: Constantinople

Date of Death: 15-Nov-2015

Profession: writer, poet, translator, artist

Nationality: Greece

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Gisèle Prassinos

  • Gisèle Prassinos (26 February 1920 – 15 November 2015) is a French writer of Greek heritage, associated with the surrealist movement.She was born in Istanbul, Turkey and emigrated to France with her family at the age of two, where they lived initially in Nanterre.
  • Her brother Mario Prassinos is a noted artist and designer. Her writing was discovered by André Breton in 1934, when she was just fourteen, and published in the French surrealist magazine Minotaure and the Belgian periodical Documents 34.
  • Her first book, La Sauterelle arthritique (The Arthritic Grasshopper) was published in 1935 with a preface by Paul Éluard and a photograph by Man Ray. Marianne van Hirtum observed that the surrealists of the time recognised these early writings as a "veritable illustration of automatic language par excellence". After World War II Prassinos's association with organised surrealism was limited, but she continued to publish widely.

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