Louis John Cole (born 28 April 1983), better known by his online alias FunForLouis, is an English-born film-maker and YouTube personality based in Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California.
He has a following of over 2 million on YouTube and is best known for posting a daily video blog on the channel FunForLouis, which documents his life and travels adventuring all over the globe.
Cole originally found fame through filming eating stunts on another channel, FoodForLouis, but has since taken these videos down to focus on the positive message of FunForLouis.
Louis appeared on the BBC TV show called 'Homefront' when he was younger.In 2007 Cole purchased and renovated a double-decker bus, equipping it as a mobile centre to help homeless youth with music and video game facilities.
The Boombus project now receives funding from local council wards.Discovery signed Cole to its Digital Seeker Network in 2015.Cole has been named a top travel influencer.