Houzan Mahmoud (born 1973) is a Kurdish women's rights and anti-war activist born in Iraqi Kurdistan.
She was a speaker at the anti-war rally in March 2003 in London and is the co-founder of the Iraqi Women’s Rights Coalition, and of the Culture Project, a platform for Kurdish feminists, writers and activists.Mahmoud grew up under the regime of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, and her earliest memories were of the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88.
"From the day I was born, all the way to this moment, all I have witnessed is war, a never ending war in Iraq", she has said.
She started reading feminist literature, which inspired her activism against patriarchal violence, in particular honour killings, female genital mutilation, and forced marriages.Mahmoud received an MA in Gender Studies from SOAS.
She has also worked as a representative of the Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq.Mahmoud has led an international campaign against Sharia law and oppression of women in Iraq.
Her articles have been published in The Guardian and The Independent.
She has also been interviewed by CNN, NBC, Sky News and BBC.