Ira Samuel Einhorn (born May 15, 1940), known as "The Unicorn Killer", is an American convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend, Holly Maddux.
On September 9, 1977, Maddux disappeared following a trip to collect her belongings from the apartment she and Einhorn had shared in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Eighteen months later, police found her partially mummified body in a trunk in Einhorn's closet.After his arrest, Einhorn fled the country and spent twenty-three years in Europe before being extradited to the US.
He took the stand in his own defense, claiming his ex-girlfriend had been killed by CIA agents who framed him for the crime because he knew too much about the agency's paranormal military research.
He was convicted and is currently serving a life sentence.His moniker, "the Unicorn", comes from the surname Einhorn, which means "unicorn" in German.