James Clements, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


James Clements

American ornithologist, author and businessman

Date of Birth: 31-Oct-1927

Place of Birth: New York City, New York, United States

Date of Death: 09-Jun-2005

Profession: zoologist, ornithologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About James Clements

  • James Franklin "Jim" Clements (October 31, 1927 – June 9, 2005) was an American ornithologist, author and businessman.
  • He was born in New York, United States. He married Mary Norton and they had two sons.
  • His second marriage, which lasted 14 years, was to Christina.
  • He married a third time, to Karen. He received his PhD from California Western University in 1975.
  • His thesis became the first edition of his Birds of the World, A Check List (now in its sixth edition).
  • Clements was mostly finished with the sixth edition at the time of his death, and responsibility for the series was taken up by the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology by arrangement with Clements's widow, Karen.
  • The Ornithology Lab finished the sixth edition, maintains corrections and updates for it, and plans to publish future editions.A bird, the Iquitos gnatcatcher, Polioptila clementsi, is named after him. He died at Tri-City Hospital, Oceanside, California of complications associated with acute myeloid leukemia.

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