Jean-Paul Cluzel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Jean-Paul Cluzel

French politician and government official

Date of Birth: 29-Jan-1947

Place of Birth: Paris, Île-de-France, France

Profession: official

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Jean-Paul Cluzel

  • Jean-Paul Cluzel (born 29 January 1947) is a French government official and politician.
  • Among other positions, he has served as inspector general of Finance, director of the Paris Opera, and CEO of Radio France Internationale and Radio France.
  • He is currently the president of the entity in charge of the administration of the Grand Palais and the president of the "Réunion des musées nationaux", an entity which administers 34 national museums under the authority of the French Ministry of Culture.
  • He is also openly gay, advocates for LGBT rights, and supports AIDS-related campaigns.

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