Demesvar Delorme (10 February 1831 – 25 December 1901) was a Haitian theoretician, writer, and politician.
Born in Cap-Haïtien, Delorme participated in Sylvain Salnave's failed rebellion against President Fabre Geffrard in 1865.
After the fall of Geffrard and Salnave's election as President of Haiti in 1867, Delorme was appointed Minister of External Relations and Minister of Public Education and Cults.
In 1868, Delorme was forced to leave the country and fled to Paris, France.
He lived there in exile for ten years, publishing several works.
One of his best known writings was the essay "Les Théoriciens au Pouvoir", which postulated that political power should belong to the intellectual elite.
From 1891 till 1897 he was the first resident minister in Berlin with coacredition to the Holy See.
In Rome he represented with Jean Joseph Dalbémar the government of Haiti in a case of border Arbitrage under the auspicies of Pope Leo XIII, while the government of Santo Domingo was represented by Justino Faszowicz Baron de Farensbach and Emiliano Tejera