John Francis Queeny, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


John Francis Queeny

Founder of Monsanto Company

Date of Birth: 17-Aug-1859

Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois, United States

Date of Death: 19-Mar-1933

Profession: businessperson

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About John Francis Queeny

  • John Francis Queeny (August 17, 1859 – March 19, 1933) was an American businessman.
  • He founded the Monsanto Chemical Works (later the Monsanto Company) in St.
  • Louis, Missouri, on September 26, 1901, with $5,000.
  • He named the company for his wife, Olga Mendez Monsanto. Born in Chicago, Illinois, he attended school for 6 years until the Great Chicago Fire forced him, at the age of 12, to look for full-time employment, which he found with Tolman and King for $2.50 per week.He moved to St.
  • Louis in 1897 to work for Meyer Brothers Drug Company, one of the largest wholesale pharmaceutical companies at the time.
  • Two years later, he spent his life savings in purchasing a sulfur refinery; it burned down the next day.
  • Two years after that, he founded Monsanto Chemical Works, and began producing saccharine, which he sold to Meyer Brothers.
  • He started to turn a profit in 1905, but it was not until 1906 that he left Meyer Brothers to work for Monsanto full-time.He married Olga Mendez Monsanto with whom he had two children, one of whom was Edgar Monsanto Queeny, who would later serve as Chairman of his company.
  • Olga Monsanto was the daughter of Morris Monsanto, a civil engineer in New York. Queeny is buried at Bellefontaine Cemetery in St.
  • Louis. He had 30 years' experience in the pharmaceutical industry.

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