Joyce Blau, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Joyce Blau

Professor Emeritus, orientalist

Date of Birth: 18-Mar-1932

Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt

Profession: orientalist, linguist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Joyce Blau

  • Joyce Blau (born 18 March 1932 in Cairo, Egypt), is a linguist, specialist in Kurdish language and literature. Joyce Blau, editor-in-chief of Kurdish Studies, has taught at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO).
  • She is a member of the research team "Monde Iranien" of CNRS, Joyce Blau is the author of numerous studies on the language, literature and civilization of the Kurds. Blau was a close associate of the left-wing activist Henri Curiel and shared in much of his activities, starting when both were living in Egypt and continuing during many years of shared French exile.
  • Following Curiel's assassination in 1978, Joyce Blau founded and headed the Comité Palestine et Israël Vivront, which throughout the 1980s continued Curiel's work in promoting dialogue between the PLO and Israeli Peace Movement.

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