Shahriar Manzoor, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Shahriar Manzoor

Bangladeshi problem setter

Date of Birth: 12-Aug-1976

Place of Birth: Chittagong, Chittagong Division, Bangladesh

Profession: engineer

Nationality: Bangladesh

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Shahriar Manzoor

  • Shahriar Manzoor is a prominent problemsetter of UVa Online Judge.
  • He is a judge of ACM-ICPC World Finals 2003–2018 and chief judge of National Programming Contest 2003 & 2004.
  • He is also the judging director of ACM ICPC Dhaka Site 2004–2017 and chief judge of ACM ICPC Kuala lumpur Regional Contest 2010.
  • He took part in the ACM ICPC Dhaka Site in the year 1999 as a part of a team from BUET and his team stood third.
  • He started the concept of arranging monthly contests in online judges.
  • He has set around 350 problems in different online, national and international contests like ACM ICPC Asia Regional Contest in Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and China.
  • He found the closed form for side length of smallest regular hexagon that contains 4 circles of radius 1.

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