Alfred Malherbe, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Alfred Malherbe

French magistrate and amateur naturalist

Date of Birth: 14-Jul-1804

Place of Birth: Port Louis, Port Louis District, Mauritius

Date of Death: 14-Aug-1865

Profession: judge, ornithologist, botanist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Alfred Malherbe

  • Alfred Malherbe (14 July 1804 – 14 August 1865) was a French magistrate and amateur naturalist born in Mauritius to Pierre Marie François Malherbe and Rosalie Le Meusnier Molineuf.
  • The family originally came from Metz.
  • Alfred became the administrator of the Museum of Metz (being its director until 1863). He devoted his spare time to botany and zoology (especially ornithology).
  • He conducted studies of birds of Algeria (describing numerous species) and Sicily.Malherbe was the author of Monographie des picidĂ©es (1859–62, 4 vols.), the first global survey of the woodpeckers.
  • He described and named Levaillant's woodpecker, after French ornithologist François Le Vaillant.
  • In addition to Monographie des picidĂ©es, he was the author of several other ornithological works: Faune ornithologique de la Sicile : avec des observations sur l'habitat ou l'apparition des oiseaux de cette Ă®le, etc.
  • (1843) - Ornithological fauna of Sicily. Description de dix espĂ©ces nouvelles du genre Picus, LinnĂ©., (1845) - Description of ten new species from the genus Picus. Faune ornithologique de l'AlgĂ©rie (1855) - Ornithological fauna of Algeria.Parts of his collections of birds from Algeria and Europe were donated to the Asiatic Society of Bengal in Calcutta.
  • The main collections were acquired by Hercules Turati and then gifted to the natural history museum at Milan.

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