Juan González Gómez, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Juan González Gómez

Telecommunications Engineer, Ph.D. in Robotics.

Date of Birth: 18-Jan-1973

Place of Birth: Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain

Profession: engineer, computer scientist, university teacher, telecommunications engineer, YouTuber

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Juan González Gómez

  • Juan González Gómez "Obijuan" (born Juan González Gómez, January 18, 1973 in Madrid, Spain) is a doctor in computer science and telecommunications publicly recognized for having become the first Spanish winner of the O'Reilly Open Source Award, which are awarded to those who "stand out for their dedication, innovation, leadership and extraordinary contribution to free software".
  • Juan is one of the pioneers of educational robotics open in Spain and creator of the concept of the "Humanity's Technological Heritage" ("Patrimonio Tecnológico de la Humanidad" in spanish). He pioneered the diffusion of free 3D printing and is credited with being the founder of the CloneWars community, which currently brings together more than 4,000 Spanish-speaking members, and that is inspired in the RepRap community created by Adrian Bowyer in 2004.
  • Juan acquired the eighth reprap 3D printer of the world (manufactured by Makerbot) and he edited a series of 63 video-tutorials for the Spanish community that which comprised the step by step instructions to assembly from scratch a Prusa 2 model and became very popular. He also continued its production of open online courses (MOOC), grouped under the brand Obijuan Academy, among which stand out as a reference for the entire maker community the series of 74 video tutorials using the opensource tool FreeCAD with more than 13,000 followers On youtube. Currently, Juan's activity focuses on the promotion and development of free FPGAs, through the creation of FPGAWars, a project that offers designs, tutorials and workshops with the aim of forming a community of users and also spread it to the world of robotics and educational electronics. In addition to his teaching and research experience in several universities (Technical University of Madrid, Autonomous University of Madrid, Charles III University of Madrid, Pontifical University of Salamanca), as well as in private business (he was R&D and Robotics Director at BQ), Juan also collaborates with NGOs as fablab manager at the La Rueca Association's TecnoLab, which is aimed at people at risk of social exclusion.

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