Roger Cayrel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Roger Cayrel

French astronomer

Date of Birth: 04-Dec-1925

Place of Birth: Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Profession: astronomer

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Roger Cayrel

  • Roger Victor Emile Cayrel (born 4 December 1925, Bordeaux, France) is a French astronomer.
  • His main interests are stellar atmospheres, galactic chemical evolution and metal-poor stars. He attended the LycĂ©e Michel-Montaigne in Bordeaux and studied physics at the École normale supĂ©rieure and the FacultĂ© des sciences de Paris. Beside his scientific work, he had a number of high-ranking posts in the management of science: director of the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT, 1974–1980), president of the IAU commission on stellar atmospheres (1973–1976) and head of the Bureau des Longitudes (1995–1996). Cayrel has been a corresponding member of the AcadĂ©mie des Sciences since 1988.
  • He was awarded the Prix Jules Janssen of the SociĂ©tĂ© astronomique de France (Astronomical Society of France), in 2001. Cayrel and his colleagues discovered thorium and uranium in the ultra-metal-poor halo star BPS CS31082-0001, which was named Cayrel's Star to honour him.
  • From the thorium and uranium content, an age of 12.5 Billion years could be calculated. Since 1954, he has been married to the Italian astronomer Giusa de Strobel.

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