Hugo Pos, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hugo Pos

Dutch playwright, jurist, writer and autobiographer

Date of Birth: 28-Nov-1913

Place of Birth: Paramaribo, Paramaribo District, Suriname

Date of Death: 11-Nov-2000

Profession: writer, poet, jurist, playwright, resistance fighter, literary critic, autobiographer, surinamist

Nationality: Kingdom of the Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Hugo Pos

  • Hugo Pos (November 28, 1913 in Paramaribo – November 11, 2000 in Amsterdam) was a Surinamese jurist, writer and poet. He wrote poems under the pseudonym "Ernesto Albin" in the magazine Soela (1963-1964) and a number of plays, including the self-directed Vive la Vida (1957) and radio play Black and White.
  • He published several collections of quatrains, which were later collected in Een uitroep zonder uitroepteken' ("an exclamation without exclamation mark") (1987) and various other collections. In his first collection of stories Het doosje van Toeti ("The box of Toeti") (1985), he looks back on his childhood years in Paramaribo and his crossing to Holland.
  • The stories from his second collection, De ziekte van Anna Printemps ("The Disease of Anna Printemps") (1987) take place everywhere around the globe.
  • This cosmopolitanism can also be found in the collection of essays and travel reports that appeared on the occasion of his 74th birthday, Reizen en stilstaan ("Travel and residence") (1988), in which he also reflects on the moral implications of the judgments he had to express as a representative of the colonial authority over colonized people.

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