Louis Daniel Arnault de Nobleville, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Louis Daniel Arnault de Nobleville

Physician and naturalist

Date of Birth: 21-Dec-1701

Place of Birth: Orléans, Centre-Val de Loire, France

Date of Death: 01-Feb-1778

Profession: physician, ornithologist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Louis Daniel Arnault de Nobleville

  • Louis Daniel Arnault de Nobleville (21 December 1701, OrlĂ©ans – 1 February 1778) was a French physician and naturalist. Louis Daniel Arnault de Nobleville was born into an orlĂ©anaise family whose wealth came from sugar refinery.
  • He studied medicine in Reims and in 1744 entered the Collège de MĂ©decine d'OrlĂ©ans where he undertook research with François Salerne (1705–1760).
  • He was charged by the GĂ©nĂ©ralitĂ© d'OrlĂ©ans with preventing and fighting epidemic disease and became a Correspondant of the SociĂ©tĂ© royale de MĂ©decine shortly after its foundation.
  • Aside from medicine he was interested in music and natural history. He was also a good player on the viola da gamba.

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