Ludwig Imhoff, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ludwig Imhoff

Swiss entomologist (1801-1868)

Date of Birth: 21-Oct-1801

Place of Birth: Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland

Date of Death: 13-Sep-1868

Profession: entomologist

Nationality: Switzerland

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Ludwig Imhoff

  • Ludwig Imhoff (22 October 1801 in Basel - 13 September 1868 ) was a Swiss physician and entomologist. Imhoff was the son of a merchant Hieronymus Imhoff and his wife Johanna nee Wenk in Basel.
  • He attended the Samuel Hopf school in Basel, which followed the educational methods of Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi.
  • He then attended the Pädagogium in Basel.
  • In 1820 he began law studies but switched to medicine.
  • He studied medicine in Strasbourg, Heidelberg, Halle and Berlin.
  • In 1826, after completing his studies, he returned to Basel.
  • Here he worked as a doctor and naturalist.
  • He married Maria Julia Auguste Heitz in 1829.
  • Ludwig Imhoff habilitated at the University of Basel as a zoologist with a focus on entomology.
  • Also from 1826 he began his work on the entomological collection of the Natural History Museum of Basel.
  • He also made a collection of European insects for the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Imhoff was a member of several natural history societies, as from 1826 Naturforschenden Gesellschaft des Kantons Basel and from 1827 Schweizerischen Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft.
  • From 1859 to 1868–1870 he was Präsident der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaf.
  • He was particularly active in the field of classification of Hymenoptera and Coleoptera.

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