Maggy de Coster (born April 23, 1966) is an award-winning Haitian-born writer living in France.
Until 1987 (or possibly somewhat later), she wrote under her birth name Margareth Lizaire and is also known as Margareth Lizaire de Coster.She was born in Jérémie and moved to Paris where she trained as a journalist at the French Press Institute and at the Centre de formation et de perfectionnement des journalistes and earned a Master of Advanced Studies (Diplôme d'études approfondies) in Social Rights and Relations from Panthéon-Assas University.
She is a member of the French Association des femmes journalistes.
She has worked as a journalist in Haiti, in France, in Switzerland, in England and in Barbados.In 2000, she established the literary journal Manoir des Poètes and serves as its director.
De Coster is a member of the French Société des gens de lettres and has served on the executive committee of the Société des poètes français.
Her work has been included in a number of anthologies and has been translated into Spanish, Italian, English, Romanian and Arabic.De Coster received the Prix Jean-Cocteau in 2004 and the Prix de la chanson poétique in 2007 from the Grand concours international de Poésie Richelieu.