Aimée-Adèle Le Bouteiller, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Aimée-Adèle Le Bouteiller

French religious

Date of Birth: 02-Dec-1816

Place of Birth: Percy, Normandy, France

Date of Death: 18-Mar-1883

Profession: Christians Jehovah’s Witnesses

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Aimée-Adèle Le Bouteiller

  • Blessed Aimée-Adèle Le Bouteiller (2 December 1816 - 18 March 1883) was a French Roman Catholic professed religious of the Sisters of the Christian Schools of Mercy of Saint Julie Postel.
  • She assumed the religious name of "Marthe" upon her solemn profession and became noted for her work for the congregation in a range of capacities.She was close friends with Blessed Placide Viel who was her novice mistress; this would bring her into conflict with Viel's elder cousin who was at odds with Viel.
  • Nevertheless, the religious attempted to live a model life based on the tenets of the Gospel. She was beatified in 1990.

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