Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist

Swedish inventor

Date of Birth: 16-Mar-1862

Date of Death: 17-Sep-1931

Profession: engineer, inventor

Nationality: Sweden

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist

  • Frans Wilhelm Lindqvist (1862 – 1931) was a Swedish inventor.
  • He designed the first sootless kerosene stove, operated by compressed air.
  • He started a company, Primus, to manufacture and sell the Primus stove. Lindqvist was born in Västergötland, and lived in Gothenburg for a few years before moving to Stockholm, where he started to work in the AB Separator factory.
  • Inspired by a workmate, he and his brother were able to design a new kind of burner for kerosene stoves.
  • By vaporising the kerosene before it reached the burner, their construction had a sootless, smokeless, hot flame. Lindqvist started selling his stove on a small-scale basis, but the business soon grew.
  • The product and the company were dubbed Primus.
  • Together with a companion, Johan Victor Svensson, Lindqvist started industrial production in 1892.
  • With the help of marketing firm B.A.
  • Hjorth & Co sales grew, and soon the Primus stove was exported abroad.
  • In the 1910s, more than half a million stoves were made annually.
  • In 1930, more than 500 people worked at the Primus factory, on the Stockholm island Lilla Essingen.
  • Among them were Per Albin Hansson, future Prime Minister of Sweden. In 1984, the Primus stove was depicted on a Swedish stamp, commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of the Swedish patent system.

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