Barry Michael George (born 15 April 1960, also known as Barry Bulsara) is a British man who was found guilty of the murder of British television presenter Jill Dando, and whose conviction was subsequently overturned on appeal.
Dando's profile and popularity ensured high public interest in the case.
When no motive could be found, and no evidence emerged from criminals or British intelligence of a contract or conspiracy to kill Dando, police began to reassess evidence that had been set aside at the start of the inquiry.
George was in the area at the time, sought to plant false alibis, had a history of violence and stalking women, took photos of female TV presenters and despite denials was found to have possessed a gun.
However, when arrested a year after the murder, the only non-circumstantial evidence was a single particle of firearm discharge residue—a speck that matched the ammunition used in the killing.
He was convicted of murder, but the forensic evidence was later discounted and his conviction was subsequently judged unsafe by the Court of Appeal, and was quashed in 2007.
After a retrial, he was acquitted on 1 August 2008.
His claims for compensation for wrongful imprisonment have been dismissed.