Dr. Jean, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Dr. Jean

Children's author and musician

Date of Birth: 15-Mar-1947

Place of Birth: Milan, Tennessee, United States

Profession: teacher, YouTuber

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Dr. Jean

  • Jean Rosenberg Feldman (born March 15, 1947 in Milan, Tennessee) better known as Dr.
  • Jean, is an American teacher, author, and musical artist.
  • She is well known for her children's learning songs.
  • Dr.
  • Jean has a Ph.D.
  • in Curriculum and Instruction, an M.A.
  • in Early Childhood from Georgia State University, and a D.A.S.T from Emory University.
  • Dr.
  • Jean has been educating for over 40 years and has created many resources for teachers in the classroom with their students.
  • She releases her songs under the record label Music Design Record Company. On April 30, 2010, Dr.
  • Jean released a music video for her song, "Dr.
  • Jean's Banana Dance." Searches for "Guacamole Song", the incorrect but more well known name for "Dr.
  • Jean's Banana Dance," rose rapidly in October and November 2015.
  • The song gained 33 million views and quickly became an internet meme.
  • It was even featured on an episode of Kids React by the Fine Brothers.
  • Since then, Dr.
  • Jean has uploaded more music videos of her songs which has earned her over 71.2 million views and 138,000 subscribers on YouTube as of November 27, 2019.

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